Welcome to the WRAP EDMS Web Site

The Emissions Data Management System (EDMS) is an emission inventory data warehouse that provides a consistent and comparable approach to regional emissions tracking to meet the requirements for State Implementation Plan (SIP) and Tribal Implementation Plan (TIP) development and periodic review and updates across the Western Regional Air Partnership (WRAP) region.

The EDMS serves as a central regional emissions inventory database to facilitate the data collection efforts for regional analysis of air quality in the West, including modeling, tracking and data analyses.

The EDMS is the central repository for the data from the WRAP region that is used to prepare and implement regional haze plans to meet the requirements of the United States Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) regional haze rule (RHR).

The emission inventories contained within the EDMS consist of pollutants that are released into the atmosphere by different sources. The emission source categories contained in the EDMS include:

  • Point or stationary sources;
  • Area/non-point sources;
  • On road mobile sources;
  • Off- or non-road mobile sources;
  • Fires;
  • Windblown dust; and,
  • Biogenic sources.

The development of the information contained in the EDMS is a joint effort between the Committees, Forums, and Workgroups within the WRAP, and the State, County, EPA and Tribal air pollution control agencies that provide much of the emission inventory data. Each agency that contributed to the EDMS system has made a major effort to make the information as accurate as possible.


Understand Your Probability of Successfully Passing a Drug Test

This calculator will indicate the duration required to eliminate marijuana from your system.

Marijuana Detox

In this section, you will learn effective methods for completely eliminating THC from your system.

How to Pass a Drug Test

Drug Testing Policies of Companies

In this section, we provide insights into the drug testing policies implemented by companies.

However, as with any system with millions of pieces of information originating from multiple sources, it is anticipated that some information may not be up-to-date or may not be accurate.

Due to the manner in which emission information is reported, collected, and managed there can be a substantial lag time between when the emissions occurred and the reporting of the information to the EDMS. The WRAP entities will be making regular updates to the EDMS to correct data problems as they are identified.